Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Written Reflection (WR) 1

Written Reflection (WR) 1

Q Please write a 1-page, single-spaced (12 font) reflection about Chapter 1 from the course textbook, Gopnik, A. Scientist in the Crib, Chapter 1: pp. 1-22. Make sure to include plenty of relevant descriptions from the chapter, and write with clarity to show understanding. We will discuss the material in class; read critically and thoughtfully, and make notes of insights and questions! Respond to the following: What were the most significant things you learned from the chapter? What key insights did you gain about the development of infants? What sparked your interest for further learning? How does the information you learned relate to your work, family or life experience? Post here on the assigned date

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The author begins the chapter by clearing out our conception which dictates that a child confined within its crib is helpless and an inactive being. But in reality these cribs are a complete universe in themselves. In these cribs, the child develops, they develop into being complete beings where they develop new languages.